Patient Direct Program
Our Patient Direct Program helps you dispense our professional-grade supplements without the need for physical inventory. This service allows your patients to purchase products quickly and conveniently direct from Natura.
In order to utilize the Patient Direct Program, you must first be a registered professional with Natura.
How the program works:
Once you're approved as a Natura Health Practitioner and PDP Partner, you'll be provided with your own referral URL.
The first time you send a customer to the site, they will register as a patient referred (by you).
Every time after that, your customers will automatically be associated with your Practitioner account.
You recommend products to your patients and refer them to our website with your custom URL.
Your patients visits are tracked via your url, and you get a commission on all of your referred sales.

PDP Partner Account
You'll be able to login to your own Partner account to get access to your custom URL for patients as well as access to your own dashboard to track sales and commissions.
IRS requirements:
All U.S. practitioners must submit a W-9 form and all international practitioners must submit a W-8BEN form to enable Natura to issue a 1099 form at the end of the year.
Submit the completed form via email to: newcustomers@naturahealthproducts.com. Please include your name in the body of the email and your preferred commission structure. You can also fax the form to 541.482.3844.
For questions regarding this program please contact a member of our customer service team at 541.488.0210.
• Accounting is performed quarterly.
• An accounting report with the patient's name, products purchased, and total sales is generated and emailed to you monthly.
• Of course, you can login and view your stats at anytime.